Sunday, September 19, 2010

Attendence in Joint Installation Programme

The Club attended the Installation Programme organized jointly by Interact Club of Kathmandu Midtown and Interact Club of Kathmandu Midtown Kirtipur. Here, Interact President Piyush Bhopalka and Interact Secretary Jagadishwor Tamrakar were formally invited by District Interact Committee Chairperson Rtn. Jenny Vaidya. The program was conducted in the following way as shown in the schedule below:

The Club was also provided with its bulletin. The picture of the Bulletin is shown below:

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Presidential Message

Dear Friends,
I welcome all the fellow Charter Interactors and Rotarians for Rota Year 2010-11. I am very happy to be the Charter President of Interact Club of Rato Bangala chartered on 25th August 2010. I welcome all of you with the sense of optimism and serving above self. Our theme according to Rotary International this year is "Building Community, Bridging Continents", and thus derived from that I have my motto of "Service to People." Since our theme states to build communities, so we will be serving the people and through that we will be trying to connect ourselves to various continents in the world.
This is the charter year of this club and we all need to work hard for maturing our club. I hope that this coming year is very fruitful for me and for all the fellow Interactors of this club. I hope to serve people here as much as possible during my tenure. I would like to inform everyone that as the President, I would leave no stone unturned for the accomplishment of successful journey this year.
I am honored and privileged to work for the community. I hope for the best.
Itr Piyush Bhopalka,
Charter President (2010-2011),
Interact Club of Rato Bangala

The Charter Governing Board members

  • President                                           - Itr Piyush Bhopalka
  • Vice President                                   - Itr Aarjit Adhikary
  • Secretary                                          -  Itr Jagadishwor Tamrakar
  • Treasurer                                          -  Itr Biplav Gauli
  • Club Service Director                       - Itr Dibyamshu Shrestha
  • Community Service Director             - Itr Sakar Lamichhane
  • International Understanding Director - Itr Ojaswi Pandey
  • Editor                                              -  Itr Benish Shrestha
  • Editor                                              - Itr Nischhal Raj Dahal
  • Sergeant-at-arms                             -  Itr Samikshya Siwakoti

Saturday, September 4, 2010

1st Charter Day Celebration - 3rd September 2010

On this day, the 1st Charter day of Interact Club of Rato Bangala and 13th Charter day of sponsoring Rotary Club of Patan South were celebrated coherently. On this specific day, most of the charter members were present. The program began with a speech by District Governor Rtn. Tirtha Man Shakya. Then there were speeches by different other Rotarians who congratulated the Rotary Club and the Interact Club for their successful effort shown towards the community. Dr. Nawaraj Khatiwada was then inducted to Rotary Club of Patan South as a new member. After that, DG Tirtha Man Shakya handed over the Charter Certificate to Interact Club Charter President Itr. Piyush Bhopalka. Also, he collared the new President and moreover, handed over the President pin to him. Next, he himself pinned all the 44 charter members with the pin of Interact Club. Later, Itr. Jagadishwor Tamrakar and Itr. Lopsang Gurung performed a song dedicated to the Rotary. Finally, there was a photo session and a whorl of excitement for it and then it was followed by fellowship.