Sunday, December 26, 2010

Volunteering at KUSOM Annual Festival

KUSOM (Kathmandu University School of Management) Annual Festival, KAF 2010 is three days’ gala events with each different day dedicated to caring, celebrating and collaborating that will reflect KUSOM’s commitment to the society as the leading management school. As the trend, the KUSOM annual festival is going to be organized from December 24th to 26th December 2010.
KAF day 1 was based on the theme – KUSOM cares. Some of the events included in this program are Traffic Awareness; Earthquake awareness; Personality Development Workshop; Art Exhibition; Health Talk Program; distributing warm clothes, Blood Donation; Free Health Camp; Scholarship; Seminar for health awareness. The venue for this day was KUSOM Premises, Pinchhe Tole, Sasatancha, Balkumari.

In the second day, KUSOM Celebrates, the concert was organized along with the food stalls and the game stalls for the purpose of celebration with the people in Kathmandu. The events for this day include: Music Concert by the bands namely Robin and the New Revolution, Equals, The Axe, Albatross, Jindabaad and Aasish; Food Stalls; Fun Stalls; Game Stalls and Door Prizes. The venue for this day was Kathmandu Fun Park, Bhrikutimandap.
They required volunteers to carry out the programmes successfully and that’s where we came in. We helped the organizers and put out fliers and posters for the concert across the city. We even managed the crowd in the concert and participated in few of the programs that were held on day 1.

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