Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Attendence in Talk Programme on VSO Nepal

The talk programme was held in one the regular meetings of Rotary Club of Patan South on 26th April 2011 and the speaker of this talk programme was Dr. Eva Zaleski, the Strategic Plan Advisor of VSO (Voluntary Service Overseas). VSO is an independent international development organization that works primarily through skilled and experienced volunteer professionals who are placed with local partners.

She mentioned that the headquarters of VSO is situated in UK and it has worked with Nepal for nearly 50 years. There are about 500 VSO volunteers who are living in local communities and share their skills for periods of up to two years, with the aim of building sustainable local capacity. She also mentioned the programs and strategies VSO is applying to accomplish its vision of a world without poverty.

It was an interesting and inspiring to hear about what the organization has been able to accomplish since its establishment. Their strategy was gripping and everyone was asking lots of questions to understand more about it.

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