Sunday, February 27, 2011

Interact Peace Walk Programme

Interact Club of Rato Bangala organized Interact Peace Walk Programme on 26th February 2011. This walk was from RBS Compound to Balkumari Ground. Apart from the members of Interact Club the other participants were Students from Malpi international college, Chelsea College andUllens College. Members of Interact Club of Pashupati, Dr.SudinShakya and Dr. NawarajKhatiwada (From Rotary Club of Patan South). Some non-Interact members from our school also participated in the program. Through this walk, we contributed from our best possible potential to spread the message for spreading peace and harmony in the world.

Description of project:
1.       Prepared various placards and banner specifying the various messages of spreading peace in the world.
2.       Worked in co-ordination with board members and other members to collect and prepare the materials.
3.       Successful management of the participants involved in the project.
4.       Program ended with the talk program given by Dr.NawarajKhatiwada regarding Peace in World and in Nepal.
5.       Certificates to participants given by Dr.SudinShakya, President of Rotary Club of Patan South.

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