Saturday, August 25, 2012

The Okhaldungha Survey Project with VIN
Interact Club of Rato Bangala is grateful to have had the opportunity to partner with Volunteers Initiative Nepal (VIN) in what has been a successful project. A team of three headed by VIN Chairman Mr. Bhupendra Ghimire were present in the premises of the Rato Bangala School for an orientation session attended by 40 ICRB members in order to prepare them for the tedious task of digitizing the results of  a survey carried out in remote parts of Okhaldunga.

The survey in question consisted of an interview recorded in the form of a four page long questionnaire which focused on the quality of living of the interviewee.  As the data was recorded in Nepali in paper, ICRB was given the task of translating the data into English in addition to recording it digitally in the form of an online questionnaire.  Through the strategy of "Divide and conquer" around 1500 forms provided by VIN have been filled by ICRB members, with each member taking an average of 15 forms.  Furthermore, ICRB is proud to say that the project was a success as the wealth of data recorded in the surveys were all digitized within the given deadline.

However, it is important to note that this project with VIN was not only a cost-cutting, times-saving maneuver but a chance for the members of ICRB to have access to a window into the lifestyle of people in remote parts of the Hilly Region of Nepal.  ICRB looks forward to engaging in such awareness building, eye opening activities in the months and years to come and hopes that it is assisted in future endeavors by outstanding organizations such as VIN.
- Itr. Chitij Karki

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