Friday, September 2, 2011

Debate competition

ICRB organized an in-school debate competition open to all A-level students in Rato Bangala School. It was spearheaded by members of the board including Itr. Samikshya Siwakoti, Itr. Piyush Bhopalka, and Itr. Aarjit Adhikary. With this debate, ICRB hoped to raise awareness on social issues bothering our community and encourage complex, coherent debating among our peers. This would make students more aware of their surrounding and force them to think critically for solutions to these concerns.

Trials were held after school in our school classrooms. Beforehand, those who had signed up were given a random topic regarding a social issue and given a few days to research on that topic thoroughly and prepare a stand for the trial. In our classroom, each participant had a minute to assert their side of argument and cite supporting evidence to convince the judge. 

Ms. Perry, our English and Literature head, was gracious enough to be our judge and sort out the competition. The trails lasted for three sessions and Ms. Perry had to pick out the best speakers. Although a grueling process, she managed to single out six students from a pool of around forty students. These six had a clearer, more intelligent insight on their topic and a stronger stage presence.  They were divided into two teams and given a question ‘Should prostitution be legalized in Nepal?’ For the final debate, each team had to argue on either side of the topic and convince the judges ‘yes’ or ‘no’.

After much planning and organizing, the final was held in the Rato Bangala auditorium. Our special judges were Ms. Perry, Mr. Rabindra Mishra (BBC Nepal) and Mr. Santosh Shah - recipient of Youth ambassador for Peace. Ms. Milan Dixit - school principal - and Ms. Shanta Dixit - school director- were also present, as well as all students from Grade Seven and above. Everyone was expecting a strong, clear debate from these two teams.

Well, no one was disappointed by the hour long debate. The two teams shot at each other and were neck to neck in the debate race. Their scores were extremely close, in fact our judges found it incredibly difficult to decide on a winning team. Finally, the team led by Veda Khadka won over Apekshya Prasai’s team by a narrow margin of two points. Both teams scored in a range of 400 plus points over a maximum of 500 points.

After debating, our contestants were praised for their strong performance by our judges. They had enjoyed judging them and been treated to a drawing, engaging debate. Certificates were presented to our contestants and all those who assisted in making the debate a success.

ICRB accomplished in raising awareness of social issues as well as its work among students of Rato Bangala through this competition. 

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Presentation to our juniors

With a new year, the time comes to introduce fresh talent to our club. Our ICRB orientation for our A1s was met by a large audience. We were delighted that the classroom – where it was held – was packed with our juniors and in fact some had to stand because they could not get seats. We were not delighted they had to stand of course.

The juniors saw two video clips. The first was a short promotional video, simply a preview of Interact international. Second video was ‘Interact – a part of Rotary’ and it clarified many common questions about Interact and Rotary International. It showed that Interactors and Rotarians are a strong global community with the shared desire to help the poor and disabled. Featuring interviews from Interactors in Europe and Rotarians in Los Angeles, this video gave our audience an insight to various ways Interactors and Rotarians have reached out to their local and global community. Organising cooking classes, neighborhood cleanups, caring for the elderly and disabled, providing essential supplies to schools in Kenya, and even holding wheelchair basketball tournaments are examples of Interact’s and Rotary’s efforts in the video.    

The video also gave a preview of RYLA. RYLA is Rotary Youth Leadership Awards and in the clip, a RYLA program in the USA showed our juniors how their high school peers over there developed leadership skills, learnt to cooperate with others, and become real leaders.

The last part of the clip was about Rotary Youth Exchange. Youths get the opportunity to experience another culture far from home and to understand common bonds everyone shares in any place. They understand the important differences people in another country have and to respect that.

Following this, Itr. Piyush Bhopalka (Charter President) and Itr. Aarjit Adhikary (President 2011-12) gave a detailed explanation of the initiation, role, and goals of ICRB. They highlighted ‘Reach Within to Embrace Humanity’, our theme for the year and the programs they had in mind regarding it.

Questions and Answers was next. Itr. Piyush and Itr. Aarjit made sure they answered every question our audience put forth carefully so that they could have no doubt left. They explained again about ICRB’s initiation, our past accomplishments and future plans. Lastly, they made it clear only those who were certain they could work hard for the club should join and appealed to our juniors to make their decision wisely.  

ICRB orientation was a success and we were pleased it turned out smoothly. It was clear many juniors were eager to become a part of our family and make a difference. 

Sunday, June 5, 2011

World Environment Day celebration

 “5th June!” - A day to emphasize on the immense value of a greener, cleaner and healthier environment for a better and safer home to the global citizens. Acknowledging that community services prove to be the germinating seeds for the global development, ICRB held a “Tree Plantation Program” within the premises of Rato Bangala School with the theme of “Forests: Nature at your Service”. Education can contribute to bring a change in the attitude of people but it solely depends on the individual whether to implement it or not. The Interactors demonstrated a high-level of teamwork, civic consciousness, participation and the implementation of their understanding to promote a healthier environment. Different species of trees like apple, walnut and avocado were planted in different areas of the school compound. Since the program was conducted within the school compound, we assure that the job was effectively done by the ICRB members, proving to be the exemplars for other students for promoting “A greener plant” encouraging them to join such projects in the days to come.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Participation in South Asia Youth Summit

Two Interactors from Interact Club of Rato Bangala went to USA for participation in SAYS. They were PE Itr. Aarjit Adhikary and Itr. Shashank Sharma. Itr. Aarjit has shared about his experience there in US.

South Asia Youth Summit (SAYS) is a highly academic and interactive youth-leadership program sponsored by the United States’ department of State which is exclusively designed for South-Asian youths to develop leadership in young people to transform communities. I consider myself one of the fortunate Nepali youths to travel to the United States and participate in a 28-day SAYS held in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania and Washington DC. Leaving my native soil to a country with such widespread development, a country with such unparallel power and hegemony, yet still, a country which listens to the voices of its people was definitely a grand honor for me.

My long journey to the States brought me to a state of morbidity with a little bit of fever and travelling sickness; however, my health improved drastically after reaching my destination. Maybe it was because of the dust-free air of the evergreen city of Pennsylvania; the ambiance of Pittsburgh truly saved my ‘good start’. Moreover, the warm welcome from the SAYS’ staff members, the delegates from Sri Lanka and Maldives as well as from my host-family was even more pleasing and delightful.

The three-week experience of Pittsburgh made me realize that my stereotype of Pittsburgh being an ugly industrial ‘City of Steel’ was amiss: the reality was much different. Cruising through the bright Fort Pitt tunnel, one can see the city of Pittsburgh emerge with edifices brightly lit with neon, gleaming streets and bridges. Furthermore, in the daytime one could clearly see the vivacity of the beautiful undulating hills by the incessant Ohio River. Living in Pittsburgh gave me abundant exploring opportunities; however, my daily schedule usually was occupied with presentations, seminars, high school and organization visits which were really very prolific, I must say.    

Participating in the SAYS’ activities and programs, so duly and well managed was an exhilarating experience for me. Moreover, I found the talk programs given by highly qualified professionals to be very informative and interactive. Working together with the entire team taught me the crucial role of teamwork behind success. Above all, living together with the team in Washington DC made me realize that we were not only a team, but a large family from diverse backgrounds working together to achieve the same goal. Having learnt so much along with recreation and merriment, I think that SAYS couldn’t have had been any better.

After successfully completing the program, I learnt that leadership is not a skill that you acquire; rather, it is a skill that you develop within yourselves and I believe that SAYS was successful in providing me the urge and motivation to develop my leadership skills. I am glad that SAYS brought a significant change to my life; albeit, I still find it incredible that it took me ten thousand miles of prolonged travel to realize my latent potential and unleash the true leader in me.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Attendence in Talk Programme on VSO Nepal

The talk programme was held in one the regular meetings of Rotary Club of Patan South on 26th April 2011 and the speaker of this talk programme was Dr. Eva Zaleski, the Strategic Plan Advisor of VSO (Voluntary Service Overseas). VSO is an independent international development organization that works primarily through skilled and experienced volunteer professionals who are placed with local partners.

She mentioned that the headquarters of VSO is situated in UK and it has worked with Nepal for nearly 50 years. There are about 500 VSO volunteers who are living in local communities and share their skills for periods of up to two years, with the aim of building sustainable local capacity. She also mentioned the programs and strategies VSO is applying to accomplish its vision of a world without poverty.

It was an interesting and inspiring to hear about what the organization has been able to accomplish since its establishment. Their strategy was gripping and everyone was asking lots of questions to understand more about it.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Participation in 3rd District Conference of RID 3292

Interact Club of Rato Bangala was one of the three interact clubs to participate in the District Conference this year. The Club on the first day sang the National Anthem infront of all the respected Rotarians and Rt. honourable Prime Minister of Nepal Jhala Nath Khanal. The Club was appreciated for its wonderful help in the 1st day of the programme. Along with this, on the 2nd day, ICRB also took part in the club talent competition with two performances where each one of them won one or the other award. The award were as:

Winner - Group Song
1. Itr. Jagadishwor Tamrakar
2. Itr. Lopsang D Gurung

2nd Runner up - Group Dance
1. Itr. Prakriti Sapkota
2. Itr. Samikshya Siwakoti
3. Itr. Kaushika Acharya
4. Itr. Nimesh Khanal
5. Itr. Sushant Bhattarai
6. Itr. Nikhil Shrestha
7. Itr. Benish Shrestha
8. Jasmin Baniya

National Anthem Group:
1. Itr. Piyush Bhopalka
2. Itr. Aarjit Adhikary
3. Itr. Shashank Sharma
4. Itr. Prasil Koirala
5. Itr. Rakesh Burathoki
(Remaining 10 are the same people from the song and dance group)

The Club extends congratulations to all the participants and winners.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Talk Programme on Neuro Linguistic Programming

Before we thought about organising this program, we had to know a little bit of about Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP).

NLP is often defined as ‘The Art and Science of Personal Excellence’. The full form of NLP is Neuro Linguistic Programming. Neuro means our mind, Linguistic is language that we use and Programming is how we combine  the power of our mind and language to get outstanding results to create a life we have always dreamt of: Healthy, Wealthy with Loving Relationship with Self, Others and the World that we live in.

The secrets of NLP are now used by world’s most successful entrepreneurs, communicators, salesmen, therapist, educators and many more professionals.  NLP gives some of the most dynamic and powerful tools that human mind has ever created to live a life of your choice. And the best part of NLP is that anybody can learn and apply it instantly and get outstanding results.

This program was presented by Joseph B Niraula (Josh), Senior Educator, Social Development Worker, Certified NLP Master Practitioner,  Advanced  Coach, Practitioner of Hypnotherapy  and Timeline. He was the former Principal of St. Xavier’s Godavari and the Founder Principal of Campion Academy and College. He is also a devout Rotarian belonging to RC Patan South.

 We decided to organize this program because it’s very beneficial for us. This was held on 22nd March 2011 where we invited all the students of A1(A-level first year) and the teachers. It was interesting and engaging presentation. We learned about the basics of NLP and some of its techniques. as discussed above. 

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Interact Peace Walk Programme

Interact Club of Rato Bangala organized Interact Peace Walk Programme on 26th February 2011. This walk was from RBS Compound to Balkumari Ground. Apart from the members of Interact Club the other participants were Students from Malpi international college, Chelsea College andUllens College. Members of Interact Club of Pashupati, Dr.SudinShakya and Dr. NawarajKhatiwada (From Rotary Club of Patan South). Some non-Interact members from our school also participated in the program. Through this walk, we contributed from our best possible potential to spread the message for spreading peace and harmony in the world.

Description of project:
1.       Prepared various placards and banner specifying the various messages of spreading peace in the world.
2.       Worked in co-ordination with board members and other members to collect and prepare the materials.
3.       Successful management of the participants involved in the project.
4.       Program ended with the talk program given by Dr.NawarajKhatiwada regarding Peace in World and in Nepal.
5.       Certificates to participants given by Dr.SudinShakya, President of Rotary Club of Patan South.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Talk Programme on Dentistry

The club organized a talk program on dentistry by Rtn. Dr. Sudin Shakya. He is the current President of our sponsoring club Rotary Club of Patan South. The talk programme featured some of the aspects of dentistry about how to clean our teeth in a proper way, how to keep ourselves free from dental problems and how to be safe from disguised dentists. The programme also featured some of the important works that Rotary had been carrying out. This was one of the way in which our club celebrated the Rotary Anniversary on 23rd February 2011.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

End Polio Now Program

  Being Rotary's, one of the most prominent programs worldwide, the club thought that it better be essential to volunteer in the polio program on National Polio Day. So, 21 members of our club on 12th February 2010 split into three groups and we took the responsibility of 3 different booths. This program was essential since 6 polio patients were recognized in Nepal and the government wanted to find more on the hidden cases if available. So, our club members stayed at the polio booths for the whole day helping the other volunteers there. From this program, many of the future leaders' i.e. children were immunized from the disastrous effect of polio. This project was quite successful since many of the infants and children were immunized at the locality where we volunteered. About 565 children were immunized.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Service to Kids at SAATHI

Saathi is an organization that works for the welfare of street children and orphans. Much information can be known from We worked in two different shelters splitting our group of members. Our main job there was to teach the kids moral education and also relating their academic background. Our work was very much appreciated here since on the last two days we were also able to organize Sports day for the kids there. This project helped our club work with an NGO of Nepal for the welfare of street children and orphans. Our club determined this project to be a need at the time seeing the conditions of Street Children in Nepal. Financial assistance was not provided to the NGO.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Participation in Rotary Youth Leadership Award

RYLA (Rotary Youth Leadership Award) was held in Small Heaven School, Kalyanpur, Chitwan from 16th-20th Jan 2011. It was a 5 day long closed camp with an objective of developing leadership potential in youth.  The Program was hosted by Rotary Club of Zone 13- RC Chitwan, RC Ratnanagar, RC Narayangarh, RC Narayani Mid-Town, RC Bharatpur and two rotary clubs from Kathmandu -RC Kasthamandap, RC Kathmandu Metro.

 The Program was inaugurated by the DG of R.I District 3292: Mr. Tritha Man Shakya. There were total of 79 participants which included 47boys and 32girls from 16-22years. The participants were from different educational backgrounds – Agricultural Sciences, Vet nary Science, Management Studies and High School Level.

The Rylarians (Name given to RYLA participants) were divided into 6 teams- Jal, Agni, Dhaatu, Bayu, Bhoomi and Akash, under supervisors to guide and assist them throughout the camp. RYLA 2011 was a compact package of Informative Sessions, Life Skills through knowledge and practice and fellowship through group activities.

The program included orientation session on leadership and motivation to the youth, impact of media on youth, effective public speaking, youth and development, poultry farming, developing positive attitude, reproductive health and HIV/AIDS awareness. There were also presentation on Rotary and Rotaract. The presentation was done by different successful entrepreneurs and resource person. They had set aside time from their busy schedules to make an effort for guiding the youth leaders of today and mold their role in building community the nation. Apart from acquiring knowledge and developing life skills, the Rylarians were involved in active group discussions and sports events such as football, basketball and table-tennis tournaments. There were first timers to national players but all had unequivocal team spirit and fellowship of a Rylarians which made each event even more interesting and delightful.